Batik is the ancient art of using resists and dyes to create patterns on a piece of fabric. It has it's early roots in Africa and examples can be found on burial bandages in Egyptian burial chambers. However, it was perfected in the country of Indonesia and is still heavily associated with the island of Java. Early Indonesian batik was created using a tjanting tool to hand draw wax onto dyed fabric. Most of the batiks you see on this website are hand waxed using a tjanting tool.. At a later date copper stamps were created in order to mass produce patterns on fabric. Even these are becoming rare now and hard to come by. I have two of them that I am learning to use so you may see items created using them from time to time, but most of my work focuses on hand waxing to create an image.
Finished and for sale
This piece has been boiled and the wax is out now. Will post new picture soon.
Not For Sale